Mittens OFF!

Yang Gang 2020

Before January of 2017, I had never really followed politics: I hadn't attended a march, donated to a candidate, volunteered, contacted my representatives, or paid much attention to policy. Life just seemed so busy - who had time? Of course I voted every four years and (mostly) in the mid-terms, but I wasn't deep into the issues.

Then...our 45th president took power. Everything changed. It was as though I had awakened from a hazy, self-absorbed sleep.

From the inhumanity of policies that impact POC, our environment, our health, and our economy, to the poisoning of our media narratives, calculated division of our citizens, and - for chrissakes - sabotaging of the post office, I belatedly had come to the painful realization that politics DOES, in fact, effect our lives collectively and personally.

Writing this today - almost a year into a largely mismanaged pandemic that has resulted in 400,000+ US citizen deaths - it is starkly obvious how much good leadership matters. A government "by the people and for the people" means that we ("the people") have to keep an eye on our employees (our government).

So, in the last four years I've decided to educate myself, put my reps on speed dial/call regularly, donate to numerous campaigns/causes, and even canvassed in Iowa for presidential candidate, Andrew Yang (the oddly distorted selfie above features a Republican, a Democrat and an Independent {me} campaigning as Yang Gang). I'm also a volunteer/local distribution point with the Blue Wave Postcard Movement's (BWPM) Get Out the Vote (GOtV) and voter registration efforts.

Hey - want to get involved? Even if you're not "all in" like me, every small step helps.

For example, right now we're developing a BWPM postcard campaign to help promote sweeping democracy reform (For the People Act, bills HR1 and S1, currently before the House and Senate). Feel free to sign up to Blue Wave's email list to hear updates on our efforts and to see where you fit best in joining the fun. A great way to get the skinny on what is going on with our democracy while connecting with new, like-minded pals.

As for the conventional wisdom that one must not mix business with political activism - eh. Courageous Soap products have become decidedly more politically snarky. Though not certain if the effect is measurable, the change aligns with and amuses me.

Time to take the mittens* off, friends. Democracy needs us.

And don't forget:

I love you! 


*(referencing amusing 2021 Bernie memes).


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